Launch: 4.59822 N / 7.88772 E
Landing: 46.558844 N / 7.90801 E
This place is located in the Lauterbrunnen valley. One of the exiting part of this flight is the Staubbach waterfall fly-by.
Important Information: Care about the Grütschalp rules!!!
- – CalltheHelicopterCompanyAirGlaciersforlaunchpermission!
+41 (0)33 856 05 60 - – Do not land or walk around with wing in tall grass
- – Always pack somewhere in a grass cuttet area or on the road if necessary.
- – Webcam Top: No webcam
- – Phone Rescue: +41 1415 (Air Glacier)
Launch: To go to the launch you take the BLM Gondola (Bergbahn-Lauterbrunnen-Mürren) at the station in Lauterbrunnen, which turns depends on seasonal timetables at least every 30min.
At Station Grütschalp you go out and follow the way shown on the map, 5 min hike
Flight: Best Time to fly is in the morning till noon, afternoon there will be the valley wind system creating some rotors just after launch and could create some troubles at launching or on the flight down.
After launching take care to fly high enough over the gondola lines. Therefore head a bit more left till you get some distance form the ground. After gaining enough high head right direction Staubbach waterfall.

Landing: The landing area is a paragliding landing spot for the local paragliders and tamden paragliders, they made the agreement with the farmer at the moment speedflyers are tolerated due to the little amount of landings! Keep it safe ! do not land or walk around with wing in tall grass always pack somewhere in a grass cuttet area or on the road if necessary. Landing direction is due to the valley wind system just gets stronger during the afternoon and calm back down after sunset

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